Many of our business clients turn to us for their personal insurance needs, knowing the quality of expertise, coverage, and service we will provide in protecting their personal assets and property.
At Western Republic Insurance Services, we take the time to understand the personal risks you face to protect you against the possibility of a liability event or property loss that can impact you personally as well as your business.
Providing you with peace-of-mind protection in the event of property damage or an accident at your home is our focus. This means covering your home and contents for Replacement Cost value so you can rebuild at today’s prices.
Our staff will also evaluate your assets to provide you with sufficient underlying Liability insurance to protect against potential lawsuits. Based on your needs, we can supplement your Liability coverage to take into account catastrophic losses with a Personal Umbrella policy.
As a condo owner you need a special policy to insure your property from the unit’s walls inward and cover your liability for claims of bodily injury or property damage. A Condo policy insures your personal belongings, such as furniture, window treatments, and clothing. It can also pay for alternative living arrangements if your unit is uninhabitable after a covered loss.
The liability portion of your policy will help pay for your legal defense and monetary settlements or judgments against you in a claim involving bodily injury or property damage against you. Some insurers also offer coverage for your financial responsibility in a loss-assessment against unit holders if the condo association is found liable for a claim that exceeds its limits of insurance.
We also insure many tenants with a Renters insurance policy, which covers your personal property such as furniture, clothing, and other personal possessions against physical damage. The liability portion of a Renters insurance policy will help with your legal defense bills and any settlements or awards that you have to pay, according to the limits of your policy.
It’s important to stress that Homeowners insurance does not cover losses from flooding. We can provide you with Flood insurance. A basic Flood insurance policy covers direct physical damage to your property up to $250,000, along with additional coverage up to $100,000 to cover your personal contents.
There are also Excess Flood insurance policies available for high-value homes and their contents. An Excess policy may also pay for living expenses away from home while the damaged structure is repaired.
We’re Ready to Help
We’re here to take care of your insurance needs and protect you from risk, and looking forward to hearing from you. Contact us today to go over your insurance program.